We have been growing succulents from almost the beginning of the nursery in the early ‘90s but took them up seriously only in the last few years, primarily because many succulents needed the cooler night conditions that we were able to provide at our mid- & high- altitude locations.
We have now a huge range of succulents (we include Sansevieria and Euphorbia francoisii in the Succulents category even though they are also ‘Foliage plants’). Because we have three altitudes to grow at, we can grow this wide range really well.
Sansevieria are one group that we are very enthusiastic about – the ease of cultivation, the toughness of the plant with the customer and the wide range we offer are all reasons for this. Unlike most Sansevieria growers worldwide, we offer a really wide assortment with more coming into production all the time. We already offer more than 30 cultivars (5 of which we have protected by PBR and US Plant Patents).
Another group we really like are the Haworthia/Gasteria complex and their hybrids – again, ease of cultivation, relatively few problems, heat resistance and slow, steady growth are all factors that we find attractive here.
Finally, Aloe & Agave are getting more and more prominence in our growing operations – for Agave it’s the easy cultivation and the availability of new, relatively thornless cultivars are major positives. In Aloe we currently offer a small range of small pot-plant cultivars but coming soon are very colourful small Aloes from our own breeding program. These will form an important component of our ‘Windowsill Gems’ offerings as we go ahead.
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